Start Healing: The Best Ways to Recover from an Auto Accident

Whether you were rear ended at a red light in Mission Valley or you t-boned someone at an intersection in Pacific Beach, auto accidents can have a lasting effect on those impacted. From concussions to spinal injuries, whiplash to emotional trauma, all require you to take the proper steps to recovery. Here are three ways to regain control over your life, and restore your wellness, after a car accident turns your world upside down. 

Don’t Tough it Out, Listen to Your Body

While this might seem obvious, it’s really important that you pay attention to the signs your body is giving you. Has your neck been tight since the crash? Has walking become harder or even impossible? Document all of the symptoms you are experiencing and contact your doctor right away. In order to properly diagnose you and help you create the best recovery plan, your doctor has to know the true extent of your injuries. Taking this first step is crucial to getting you back to your pre-accident health levels.

Consider Seeing a Chiropractor or Auto Accident Clinic

Once you are better able to pinpoint what is ailing you, you may require a structured recovery routine. San Diego chiropractors specializing in car accident injuries can carefully address damage to your body and give you personalized treatment. These clinics focus on relieving pain, improving mobility, and preventing further injury. Paired with therapeutic rehabilitation, you can strengthen your muscles and regain your ability to move freely, which also does wonders for your mental health.

Rest and Repeat

Let’s face it, being in an accident can be exhausting. Having to juggle insurance, lawyers, doctors and more creates a ton of stress that can be mentally and physically taxing, especially when you are dealing with the aftermath long after the incident occurred. In fact, according to the American Psychological Association, motor vehicle accidents are the leading cause of PTSD in the general population. 

It’s important to prioritize downtime so that you aren’t pushing your body too hard too fast. Feelings of anxiety and depression are common, but if unmanaged, can adversely affect your recovery time. Make it a point to set aside 15 minutes in the morning or at night to sit down, relax, and focus on your breathing. Doing so will lower your stress levels and put you in a more appropriate mental state to cope with all that comes from auto accidents.

These 3 steps are the cornerstone to making a full recovery. Give yourself time, as healing can be a long process, but focus on the small progress you make every day. Eventually, you’ll start feeling like the old you and can go right back to tackling life unhindered.

Our chiropractors are movement & mobility specialists. We evaluate lifestyles and partner with our patients to make lasting improvements in their health and fitness. Learn more about Healcove chiropractors and how we approach health and fitness setbacks.


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