Healcove Gift Cards

Buy a gift card for any amount and redeem for Healcove Chiropractic or Massage.

Know Before Buying

  • To better estimate your gift amount, know that a chiropractic session is $95 without insurance for established patients, while a new patient exam and treatment is $200.

    Massage appointments start at $110 for 60 minutes.

  • Yes, it is. You will need to enter the recipient’s name, email address, and pick a date when you want the gift card to be emailed to them.

  • If you want to send the gift card the same day it’s purchased, there may be a lag time of two hours. If you pick a future date, it will be delivered to their inbox by 8:00 AM that day.

Buy Healcove Gift Card

It’s a thoughtful gift they’ll love.