What You Should and Shouldn’t Do After Your Chiropractic Session

What You Should Do After Your Chiropractic Session 

Here’s a list of things you might want to do after your chiropractic session.

Hydrate Hydrate Hydrate! 

One of the best and simplest ways to support your body after your chiropractic treatment is hydrate. Drinking water helps flush out any toxins that were released during your adjustment, and it can help reduce soreness from any soft tissue work you get done. As always, you are welcome to help yourself to water and herbal tea in our lobby after you’re done with treatment. 

Light Movement 

Participating in some light movement after your session can be beneficial to your healing process. Going for a light walk, swim, or bike ride can help stimulate blood flow after your session. Don’t over do it with movement, and you may want to wait a few hours or a day before you start intense moving. 

Rest & Relax 

Your self care day doesn’t stop when the session is over! If you’re able to take some time to relax after your session and take it easy for the day, it can be beneficial. Of course sometimes, life happens, and you may need to get back to work or take care of your kids after the session, and that is okay too! No matter how you spend your time after the session, try to prioritize getting a good night's sleep at the end of the day.

Pay Attention to Your Body

After treatment, be sure to take some time to tune into your body and notice how you feel. Are there any areas that feel better, feel sore, or feel different? Taking a moment to be mindful of your posture and body positioning can help you correct your posture and improve symptoms. This can help you increase your body awareness and better understand positions or movements you may be doing that contribute to pain. 

Do Your Homework

If your chiropractor provided you with at home stretches or exercises, be sure to get started on them after your treatment. Taking a moment to plan when and where you are going to be doing your take home work can help you improve your consistency. If you got KT taped, be sure to keep it on for a few days after treatment, it should fall off naturally. You can even shower and workout with it on! If after a few days it starts to feel itchy or uncomfortable, feel free to take it off.

What You Should Avoid After Treatment 

Here’s a list of things you should avoid doing after your chiropractic session.

Intense Movement 

After your chiropractic session, it is best to avoid intense and explosive exercise. This could include heavy weight training, contact sports, boxing, or other activities of that nature. While some light movement like yoga, jogging, or cycling can support you after the session, it is best to keep movement to a low level of intensity. You can resume intense activity the day after your chiropractic visit safely if your chiropractor says it is okay.

Prolonged Sitting

While it is important to rest after your session, being in a seated position for too long could be counter productive. If you do need to sit after your session, ensure that you are sitting in a position that supports your posture. Try to stand up every 20 minutes or so to walk around if you are sitting for a long period of time. 

Worrying about Soreness 

If you are feeling sore after your chiropractic session - do not worry! This is a normal reaction to getting body work done and is a part of the process. Hydration is helpful in reducing soreness, so ensure that you drink plenty of water. Other ways to remedy sore muscles can include getting rest, epsom salt baths, hot tubs, or heat pads. The soreness should subside a few days after your session. 

Intense Heat/Cold Therapy (for Cupping Therapy Only) 

If you received cupping in your chiropractic session, avoid public baths, tubs, or intense heat/cold therapy (sauna, tanning beds, strong air conditioning, ice baths) for the next 48 hours. The pores of your cupped skin might still be open, making your skin in those areas especially vulnerable to changes in temperature and/or infection. You should also avoid getting a sunburn or excess skin exfoliation, as this can irritate the skin that was cupped. Cupping marks are normal and should go away within a few days, and rest and hydration can help with cupping aftercare. 

Ignoring Your Chiropractor’s Recommendations 

If your chiropractic gives you specific instructions, exercise, or recommendations to do after your session, be sure to follow through with them. They are providing you with information that is beneficial to your recovery and are in your best interest! Choosing to ignore the recommendations of your chiropractor could prolong your recovery and flare up pain. While it may be difficult to follow their recommendations, you will avoid future pain if you stick to their treatment plan. 

Our chiropractors are movement & mobility specialists. We evaluate lifestyles and partner with our patients to make lasting improvements in their health and fitness. Learn more about Healcove chiropractors and how we approach health and fitness setbacks.


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